Free study options

Introduction to Esports

This course will give you the skills you need to turn your love of gaming into a career. Learn to plan, organise, run and evaluate a real esports tournament while you develop a bunch of skills that will transfer across a range of industries.

In this course, you’ll learn about all the different roles that work together to make the competitive gaming industry tick - including players, coaches, shoutcasters, camera operators, sound engineers, streaming engineers, directors and producers.

When you’ve finished this course, you’ll have the skills you need to continue your studies in a range of industries and unlock heaps of different career paths, not just in gaming.

You could continue your studies in animation, game development, creative media and marketing with our sister school Yoobee College of Creative Innovation or even personal training to help gamers perform at their peak.

Learn how your study could be FREE.

During this course you will:

  • Learn from and collaborate with renowned professional gamers  

  • Organise and run a real esports tournament 

  • Learn teamwork, leadership, communication and strategy 

  • Get a qualification studying something fun!

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  • NCEA Level 1 or equivalent.

  • English Language/International Applicants: General or Academic score of 5 with no band score lower than 5 OR equivalent under Rule 18.

  • Domestic applicants with English as a second language: must demonstrate sufficiency in English language at interview.


You can attend this course for free if you are aged 16-24 and meet the course entry requirements. This course is part of the government led Youth Guarantee Programme.  Under the Youth Guarantee you may also be eligible for financial support to cover the following. Talk to us for more information.  

  • Gym access 

  • New Zealand Institute of Sport T-shirt 

  • Travel allowance 

  • Course related field trips 


  • Course costs for New Zealand domestic students are available here

  • Course costs for International students are available here


If you’re planning to start tertiary study or training for the first time you may be eligible for fees-free. Ask one of our course advisors to help or visit the Fees Free website. 


If you meet certain conditions, you may be eligible for a student loan and allowances. Find out if you meet the conditions by calling StudyLink on Freephone 0800 88 99 00 or visit 

New Zealand Certificate in Study and Employment Pathways (Level 3)


Esports Course Start Dates


